Colin shares his Xootr experience ...
Guest Blog from Xootr Owner Dave Mane
"You ride with the confidence that you won’t be a feature lying in the nature strip any time soon. I’ve been doing this for 3 weeks now, I’ve lost 3 kilos, feel healthier, people smile as I roll by - Yes I love my Xootr!
Why I love Xootr - Blog
As George Orwell once wrote in Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” A comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power & privilege to a small elite. So in an awful example of paraphrasing I say “All Xootrs are equal, but some Xootrs are more equal than others.” Meaning all Xootrs are equal, but it’s the deck that makes some more equal than others”. Yes feel free to punish me on that one. What I’m trying to say is “One Xootr,...
Welcome to Xootr Australia & New Zealand!
Tom Brady, Uma Thurman, Kate Hudson, Hugh Jackman, Glenn Close, Matthew Broderick and former US President Jimmy Carter have all been seen on a Xootr…and that’s only the ones I’ve found out about so far.
All I Want for Christmas is to be a Xootr Parent